Meet Sarge, The Thoughtful Fawn Caretaker German Shepherd

Meet Sarge, The Thoughtful Fawn Caretaker German Shepherd

We’re often taught that animals only take care of their own kind, but there are many times where we get to see them living in harmony.

Sarge was a great example of one such occurrence, a German Shepherd who got his fame from taking care of a young orphaned fawn named Buckwheat over on Bucky’s Porch in Ohio.

It wasn’t always like that though. Back in the day, Sarge was, as his name may imply, a very moody boy, always hinging on discipline rather than play.

The Life-Changing Event

german shepherd with fawn on the grass
Sarge and Buckwheat enjoying the great outdoors. Source: Instagram

However, when his pet parent brought home this innocent little fawn, his heart grew three sizes that day.

He saw the poor critter and found some sort of purpose, to be a protector to this young orphan and help him grow without a worry in the world.

The crankiness had completely faded and was replaced with the attitude of a reliable guardian.

He took care of the young fawn and was there to help guide and protect him as he grew up into a healthy adult, making sure things were done right.

In time, Buckwheat reached a comfortable size and age where he could be released back into the wild as an independent deer.

Sarge Finds His Purpose

fawn eating together with dog
Sarge is always present around the fawns he helps raise. Source: Instagram

While initially saddening to the then senior German Shepherd, his story had gone viral, prompting adoptions of new orphaned deer which saw an improvement in his mood once more.

Sarge loved every second of it and the deer loved him.

It was unusual to witness, but Sarge’s owners were happy he found a purpose and they were more than eager to facilitate it since they found enjoyment in it themselves.

He had gotten so good at his job that he even gave them check-ups to see if the fawns came over injured or sick, using those incredibly advanced canine olfactory senses of his.

Leaving A Legacy Behind

fawn with cute puppy
The heir to Sarge’s legacy, chief, works hard to make Sarge proud. Source: Instagram

Unfortunately, time catches up with us all, and it did so with Sarge as well as he had passed a year or so ago.

It was a tragedy that struck the hearts of many, but his memory lives on with his owners and his legacy continues on with Chief.

He’s a young pup who’s got big shoes to fill, but he definitely has the heart and the drive to accomplish just that.

I know that we’ll certainly follow his story closely as we hope to see great things in Chief’s future. Until then.